Traffic Ticket
or A Criminal Violation

If you received a traffic ticket or other criminal violation you may have also gotten unsolicited mail offering legal help.

If you find this practice as offensive as we do, call our law firm at:
Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter will handle your problem in a professional manner.

For more information on municipal violations or criminal charges in New Jersey or any charges in Pennsylvania.

"The Good Lawyer is not the man who has an eye to every side and angle of contingency,....but who throws himself on your part so heartily, that he can get you out of a scrape."

--- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Thomas P. Fischer is a member of The Million Dollar Advocates Forum recognized as the most prestigious group of trial lawyers in the United States. Membership is limited to attorneys who have won million and multi-million dollar verdicts, awards and settlements.

Civil Litigation

Lawyers in New Jersey and Lehigh County, Pennsylvania

Any litigation not involving criminal charges is referred to as civil litigation and is most often an action used to reclaim money, property or services owed. However, you may also pursue civil litigation to obtain restraining orders or injunctions to prevent someone from taking or continuing a particular action that wrongfully harms you or your business.

At the law firm of Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter, our attorneys are regularly involved in a variety of litigation matters. Examples of civil disputes we handle for individuals and business entities in New Jersey and Lehigh County, Pennsylvania include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Business Torts
  • Fraud
  • Breach of Contract
  • Violation of Fair Trade Practices
  • Breach of Non-Disclosure Agreements
  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty
  • Civil Rights
  • Consumer Rights
  • Estates, Estate Planning and Estate Litigation

When you are faced with an uncompromising adversary and need legal help to find a solution for a controversy, a lawyer can evaluate your situation, explain the legal remedies available to you, and recommend the best course of action. Weighing the cost benefits of litigation is important. An experienced attorney can often satisfactorily resolve your legal problem though a negotiated settlement or an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) method such as mediation or arbitration.

When you turn to Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter, you can count on our attorneys to address your situation in a timely and cost effective manner. We keep you advised of any developments that impact your case, providing insight and guidance with respect to decisions affecting the outcome of your case.

If you need legal advice regarding a civil litigation matter, we invite you to call our law firm at (908) 689-0992 (Call Firm Now), to learn how our attorneys can help you find a practical solution to your conflict.

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