Traffic Ticket
or A Criminal Violation

If you received a traffic ticket or other criminal violation you may have also gotten unsolicited mail offering legal help.

If you find this practice as offensive as we do, call our law firm at:
Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter will handle your problem in a professional manner.

For more information on municipal violations or criminal charges in New Jersey or any charges in Pennsylvania.

"The Good Lawyer is not the man who has an eye to every side and angle of contingency,....but who throws himself on your part so heartily, that he can get you out of a scrape."

--- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Thomas P. Fischer is a member of The Million Dollar Advocates Forum recognized as the most prestigious group of trial lawyers in the United States. Membership is limited to attorneys who have won million and multi-million dollar verdicts, awards and settlements.

Criminal Law

Criminal Law Attorneys Serving Clients in New Jersey & Pennsylvania

Different from civil law, which deals with the relationships between individuals, criminal law is the body of law that governs the relationship between and individual and the State and metes out punishment for criminal offenses.

The United States Congress, state legislatures, cities and local municipalities establish penal codes with provisions to prosecute individuals and businesses charged with committing alleged acts against the public.

Federal or State government authorities, State police or local law enforcement officers may arrest individuals who allegedly violate penal codes, and a county, state or federal prosecutor may file criminal charges for violations of criminal laws.

When you face serious criminal allegations, it is crucial that you contact an attorney as soon as possible. In fact, the minute the police ask to question you, you have the right to remain silent until you consult with an attorney. Your best bet is to hire an attorney who has experience with criminal law.

At Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter, with offices in Washington, New Jersey, our attorneys provide expert criminal defense for individuals charged with all indictable offenses in New Jersey and felonies and misdemeanors in Pennsylvania, including, but not limited to:

  • Drug Crimes
  • Murder
  • Fraud
  • Weapons Charges
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Robbery
  • Burglary
  • Sexual Assaults
  • Kidnapping
  • RICO Violations
  • White Collar Crime

Criminal Violation?

If you received a traffic ticket or other criminal violation, including a violation of criminal law in Lehigh County, you may have also gotten unsolicited mail offering legal help.

If you find this practice as offensive as we do, call our law firm at 908-689-0992 (Call Firm Now). Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter will handle your problem in a professional manner. Our Lehigh County criminal law attorneys can help.

When you are charged with a federal, or state crime, whether it is a misdemeanor or a felony, our experienced criminal defense attorneys will ensure that you understand the charges filed against you, the available defenses, the plea bargains likely to be offered, and the penalties and fines you may expect if you plead guilty or are convicted.

Clients derive direct benefits from our attorneys' experience and knowledge of, and insight into the local judiciary. In handling criminal and municipal violations, our lawyers are often able to obtain not-guilty verdicts, dismissals, and favorable plea bargains.

Seeking a Lehigh County criminal law attorney? Our criminal law attorneys, including our criminal law attorneys in Lehigh County, are committed to building a strong defense on your behalf, aggressively protecting your rights, and obtaining the best outcome possible. Call our law firm at (908) 689-0992 (Call Firm Now) to speak to a lawyer, including a criminal law attorney in Lehigh County, and learn how our experience with New Jersey and Pennsylvania State Courts, including Lehigh County, can help make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

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